tv On the Record With Greta Van Susteren FOX News December 9, 2015 4:00pm-5:01pm PST
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>> you know, that's not who we are. >> that's not who we are. >> that's not who we are. >> that's not who we are. >> that's not who we are. >> that's not who we are. >> no online show tonight. thanks for watching "special report." i'm shannon bream. "on the record" is next. this is a fox news alert. new information only "on the record" about how the female shooter may have been radicalized in pakistan. also, the farook family insisted they met on a dating website. as reports surface this may not have been true. this may have been an arranged marriage. we have new information and new answers this hour. plus, developments pouring in about another possible terrorist attack-] by one of the killers. live team coverage from washington to san bernadino kick canning off with fox news adam housley in california. adam? >> yeah, greta. a lot of the information coming out today, we heard last night and yesterday afternoon really that the radicalization process of the wife began before he came here. we know james comey the director of the fbi confirmed that today during his senate hearing.
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we're now also hearing from investigators they believe this goes even further. you might remember that earlien on the family of syed said the couple met on a dating website, an islamic dating website. there is now signature concern that that website may have just been a cover that they actually met in other ways. the investigation is moving more and more towards pakistan on the international front. they are looking at the family's finances there as well to see if there are any funny finances, any deposits or money movement that might indicate there is some other connection. they are also looking at whether or not the family was radicalized themselves. this coming as we are also hearing about several different ways that schools and restaurants in this area are concerned about the actual i-about syed and his ability working for the county to get into their kitchens and looking at what they were doing. restaurants and schools have brought in experts in some cases. one school district we are told brought in a bomb-sniffing dog to ensure there was nothing left there to obviously ease any concerns that parents or
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students might have. and we have also been told that when he leaves those locations, generally there is a signed sheet with his name, obviously his signature on it on the wall. some stools we're told putting up post-it notes cover that name. a lot of information coming in at this hour. really the headlines showing on the international front they are looking closer and closer to pakistan. here domestically they are saying the digital trail continues to build. not only tashfeen pledged allegiance to isis but her husband before the creation of isis may have pledged support to groups like the muslim brotherhood well before isis even came into being. greta? >> adam, thank you. think about this: these two killers already radicalized when this picture was taken. terror couple seen here arriving in chicago at o'hare airport in july of 2014. even before they talked about marriage. they talked about terror and waging jihad. so how and when did the terrorists become radicalized? fox news chief intelligence correspondent catherine herridge is here. catherine, we have got information coming in from all sorts of different
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directions. what do you know? >> based on my reporting the radicalization process was well underway long before these two individuals met each other. it doesn't matter whether it was on the internet or whether it was arranged. there was a lot of early reporting that somehow tashfeen malik was the one who sort of poured gasoline on the fire of his radicalization. what we know now from director comey's on the record testimony is that that was not in fact the case. he was well on to this path on his own inside the united states. here is why that matters. that matters because all of place to identify american citizens who are radicalizing domestically failed in this case as did the screening process for malik to enter the unitedlr states. >> all right. do we know -- or do you know how they were radicalized? is it isis? is it al a divide? is it -- al qaeda? is it pakistan? does it matter. >> a couple of great questions there so, with syed farook, there is evidence that he was working
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with a group of contacts that was known to the fbi. we know that through our reporting. but the contacts with not sufficient for them to open an independent investigation into the 28-year-old. >> they knew at some point that the group they were watching had contacts with family. but they didn't think it was enough. >> they didn't pursue it. >> that's correct. >> legally not enough or because their judgment was this was -- >> -- i think it's probably a combination of both. then on the wife, increasingly they are focused on this red mosque in pakistan. the red mosque is kind of a cesspool for lack of a better word for this kind of radical thinking and a number of terrorists have been tied to it it. so those are the two areas that they are looking at. >> i will tell you what disturbs me k-1zv visa. trudeau saying she was satisfied with the application process the proper protocol. either she is incompetent or lying because that simply didn't happen, right? >> our experience now with
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the podium at the state department is that a lot ofbm4(f that briefing and it's very disappointing on a professional basis. >> all right. but it's either -- when she says that she is satisfied with the application process and at least it was reported that there was a fake pakistan -- they could have application? >> we did some research into the k-1 visa process this afternoon because there was conflicting testimony between director comey and the head of the immigration and naturalization service. what we see now is that based on the type of visa you apply for an interview is w. a state department official. >> did she have one. >> we don't know. >> a lot of nerve saying on friday she is satisfied with the application process followed the proper protocol. either she is incompetent or lied. neither one is good. you didn't say it i did. she has some explaining to do. >> thanks for bringing that up. >> catherine, thank you.
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>> you are welcome. >> just hours ago fbi director james comey exposing how deep the web goes around the san bernadino killers. >> the fbi has a very broad array of responsibilities to address a staggering array of threats that face our country. to find homegrown violent extremists, to find those that are radicalizing and being inspired by these groups is a very, very hard thing. san bernadino involved two killers who were radicalized for quite a long time before their attack. in fact, our investigation to date, which i can only say so much about at this point, indicates that they started courtingicalized or dating each other online and online, as early as the end of 2013, they were talking to each other about jihad and martyrdom before they became engaged and married and lived together in the united states. >> okay. do you agree with the following statement? there are more terrorist organizations with men
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equipment, and safe havens along with desire to attack the american homeland any time since 9/11? >> i agree. >> was the woman shooter in san bernadino radicalized before she came to america? >> it looks like she was. so far, the data we have collected, the intelligence indicates that she was before she connected with the other killer and came here. >> is there any evidence that this marriage was arranged by a terrorist organization or terrorist operative? or was it just a meeting on thehm internet? >> i don't know the answer to that yet. >> do you agree with me that if it was arranged by a terrorist operative, an organization, that is a game changer? >> it would be a very, very important thing to know. that's why we are working so hard on it. >> that's the biggest focus, i think, of how it would change the game if they could actually arrange a marriage two of like-minded individuals and use the fiancee visa system to get into the country so get an
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answer. >> south carolina senator and 2016 g.o.p. presidential candidate lindsey graham goes "on the record" from manchester, new hampshire. good evening, sir. >> thank you, greta. >> your last question about a possible arranged marriage with the director ofumbns the fi and talking about the abuse of the k-1 fiancee visa. senator, what do you have to say tonight about the fact that on december 4th, which was last week, state department spokeswoman elizabeth trudeau was asked "are you satisfied that malik's application process followed proper protocol?" and she answered yes. is she lying or is she incompetent? because we now know the following day there was a phony address that they could have googled from the application and there is some question whether she even had an interview yet, that is what she is feeding to the american press which we now feed around the united states. >> i think incompetent. i don't know the lady other than i'm just not inspired by her presentations. i can tell you this. barack obama and his entire national security team are incompetent.
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director comey of the fbi is a good man. his agents are working hard. and the point i was trying to make, this may be the first evidence of a terrorist organization or operative arranging a marriage so that somebody could get in the united states to provide comfort to somebody already radicalized. if that's true,ev then we have to revisit this program. >> and the other part, too, in order to arrange it there had to be some discussion presumably over the internet. i don't know if they are using some sort of encryption. what kind of techniques are we using and the fbi, at least we are aware of this 28-year-old man here in the united states who excepted to some groups. apparently they found him of insufficient worry to follow up on it. so it's not like he was totally off the radar screen. he was just very far off. >> well, here's what i can tell you that was the most chilling. the garland, texas attack. one of the shooters in texas, who attacked the -- that was, thank god, stopped had had 109 messages sent between him and a known terrorist overseas that we
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could not look at because of encryption. there is technology available to terrorists where they can communicate without even with a court order they can communicate that has to change. we need a system. if the court would order us to look at -- allow us to look at messages and traffic that we can actually break into these systems. it is insane to have a system in the united states where a person inside the country could communicatef>dñ with an overseas known terrorist and the government with a court order can't look at it and director comey is trying to fix that. i have never seen more right time for an attack on our homeland than i do right now. i just got back from my 36th visit to iraq. the strategy of obama is not working. isil will never be destroyed with this strategy. and they are coming after us. >> do we have the technical wherewithal to go into the encryption and find out? we just don't -- they just don't have the legal
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authority. >> good question. >> okay. butk encryption, we can do it, we just don't have the legal authority? is that it? >> he said that the business model does not accommodate complying with a court order. that he is working. >> what does that mean? >> well, that's what he said. he is a good man. he is trying to solve this problem. he says that there are court orders available to the government that can't be complied with because the technology -- the business model is set up so that they can't comply with a court order. here is my message to silicon valley, change your business model tomorrow. >> i was going to say change the business model. okay, so law isn't standing in the way. it's some business model, whatever that is. and i agree. >> that's what he said. >> the business model, he i know who is in charge of that. but that one needs to be changed yesterday. senator, thank you, sir. >> yes. thank you. >> and secretary of defense ash carter and senator john mccain sparring on capitol hill. the two wrestling over america's fight against
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isis. secretary carter confirming what we all already knew. but president obama refused to admit. >> mr. secretary, on the first of december, before the house armed services committee, congressman forbes asked general did you diu know dun ford have we contained isil we have not contained isil. mr. secretary, do you agree with general dunford. >> i agree with what general dunford said, yes. >> former helicopter pilot in command. combat veteran amber smith goes "on the record." knives to see you, amber. >> great to so you too. >> president obama said before the paris attack isis is not contained -- >> -- look, i was happy to see secretary carter today say that isis was not contained. >> or he said it was contained. obama said it was contained. >> yeah. so i was happy to see secretary carter disagree with obama because if he didn't he would essentially be lying to congress and
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lying to the american people. we all know isis isn't contained. and what i didn't like was the follow-up that josh earnst say what they meant is that isis is tactically contained. isis is not tactically contained. that doesn't mean staging iraqi security forces outside of mosul and ramadi that's not. we wouldn't be talking about sending attack helicopters and increasing assets and training and equipping millions of more dollars into the fight. >> could we beat isis? >> oh, absolutely. burr our strategy has got to be drastically changed andc3 incredibly aggressive. we have to fight it on two fronts. more, the ideology globally. and, two, we have to fight the enemy as it exists ted. that means taking off the gloves, using all capacities of our military might, and going in and taking back mosul, ramadi, and their headquarters in rocca. -- raqqa. disrupt their financials in
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order to take the situation back over. i think it's fairly naive to say that there is not going to be some form of u.s. military ground involvement to take this fight back. >> how frustrated are you? you are a vet. you flew helicopters in come bat and now as we look what's going on over there, you know, i can't imagine what it means. >> it's so naive. what our military has -- it's very frustrating to see a commander and chief sort of lose every single gain that we made. what our military has to offer today in terms of what we are up against with isis and fighting in iraq and syria today, we have are over 14 years of experience of fighting this type of enemy, this type of insurgency style warfare where they are attempt iting to blend in with the general population. we know what they look like. tactics, techniques and procedures. we know how to fight this enemy. we can't do it if the commander and chief is not allowing us to do our job. >> frustration just you or everyone you talk to, your
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former colleague in the military current and former? >> absolutely. current and former. because, you want to know who the big loser here is the united states military. when we are not fighting them now and today in the size that isis is right now, guess who is going to be fighting them tomorrow when someone sooner or later realizes we will have to destroy them as they stand. >> when you hear the term war fatigue. look, i'm not going to have to go. you flew helicopters in combat. you risked your life. you didn't. no matter what, i'm not going. >> i'm not a big fan when i hear that americans are war weary or tired of war. we need to wake up to the fact that our enemy is at war with us. so we can sit here and be passive and see more san bernadino style attacks. paris attacks happen around the world or we can wake up and acknowledge that this enemy is going to continue to come after us until we destroy them.=g >> amber, thank you very much. and, you know, i appreciate -- i appreciate you serving in combat in that helicopter, it meant
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that the rest of us didn't have to. thank you very much. >> thanks, greta. >> this is the face of terror. take a look at this. this is the third bomber in the bataclan theater massacre. that happened in paris. he has just been identified. grn reporter catherine field is live in paris. katherine? >> yes. good evening, greta. yes, we know a little bit more about this man. he is a 23-year-old. his name is sue he'd mohammed. he comes from the northeast of france he apparently traveled to syria in late 2013. as part of a group of young men, which included his brother and some friends, they traveled toçi syria via frankfurt and southern turkey after having been in contact, we're told with a man identified as one of the principle french jihadiist recruiters. now two members of that group died not long after they arrived in syria.
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he is believed to have returned to france sometime between august and november of this year. his return went unnoticed by police and intelligence officers. >> all right. where do they think he is tonight? >> well, he died in the attack, greta. >> oh, i'm sorry, i thought he was one that they were looking for. he died in the attack? >> he died in the attack. they were only -- sorry about that greta. he was only able to be identified because, greta, the end of november, his mother received a text. mss text saying her son had died a martyr in paris. she alerted police which took d.n.a. samples which match. she has known pretty much since the end of november that he was one of the three
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gunmen in the bataclan theater. >> all right. any information on the one that they're looking for? they were looking for in brussels? any information on him, catherine? maybe you don't have. >> absolutely, none at all. 26-year-old, the trail on him has really gone cold, despite the fact that the french police still tell us they are checking all the internet traffic. they are checking telephone numbers. they are checking all of his associates. but the last we heard was that he got out of a car that had been driven by a friend of his in belgium. he turned around to his friend and said you won't see me again. greta? >> there is a worldwide manhunt for him. anyway, catherine, thank you investment. and donald trump on the defense but the g.o.p. frontrunner standing his ground over his muslim ban. you are going it hear from donald trump next. also, protests erupting in the streets of chicago. what are they demanding? we go to chicago coming up.
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a defiant donald trump refusing to back down on his plan to ban muslims from entering the united states for the time being. and just moments ago, trump defending his controversial plan to our own bill o'reilly. >> people have to be vetted. they have to be perfectly vetted. >> you can't vet them. you will insult the whole religion. >> we are not insulting. this is about security. it's not about religion. this is about security. key with not allow people to come into this country that have horrible things on their mind. >> already. everybody agrees with that. i don't think you thought through the unintended
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consequences of banning an entire religion of coming to the united states. just my opinion. >> bill, bill, bill. i thought through everything. believe me. >> all right. the "on the record" political panel is here from the hill a.b. stoddard and "weekly standard" john mccormick. a.b., we have a new fox news poll taken before the statements became public about banning muslims and half after. donald trump's numbers he is still number onewu in south carolina. in fact, his numbers have after his comments his numbers went up 8 points in south carolina. >> this is a very healthy portion of the primary republican electorate who are behind trump on his ban or moratorium or whatever you want to call it and he -- has thought through all a the details of how it would be executed and then, of course, ended i think his numbers are going to stay the same. it's a question -- it's not going to help him win a general election. it's a question of whether
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or not the puts enormous pressure on the republican party to try to take him down as the nominee or wait until he becomes the nominee, do something else. because this is not a general election winner. this is a republican primary winner. >> you know what, everyone has been saying polls don't matter. we are so long out. now we are under 60 days. polls are beginning to really matter. his numbers are only going up. as much as the republican party many in the republican party want to wish it away, it's not happening. his numbers are strong and he is going up. >> you have to remember, i mean, south carolina is a third contest. i think the first couple of races they will completely reshuffle the deck. ted cruz went ahead of donald trump. >> that's in the monmouth but in the cnn poll in iowa strump ahead by a lot. >> i don't think therede is any trump unveils his so-called when monmouth shows ted cruz going ahead. >> how can you mention a
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monmouth poll and not mention cnn poll. same time, same state. >> i think they are on the ground. i think that that was the first poll that showed cruz going ahead of him. there is another poll that showed him behind. trump has been all over the map on this. back in september he said we had to take in syrian vet from at all a terrorist army growing. ban all muslims all together. how are we going to stop them ask them. because people who want to blow us up can't lie to us? zero security benefit, all in exchange for alienating our allies abroad who he wants and we want to help win this war. >> everybody in the media is jumping all over him. the media doesn't like him. >> the media loves him. >> people are quite scandalized about the muslim statement. we do have a first amendment after all. but no matter how much the media pounces him, a.b., his numbers go up. >> i disagree that this is a media narrative.
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leaders across the board, party elders party operatives denounced what he said yesterday. >> i agree. >> explain the poll numbers. >> biggest threat since we have had since 9/11. that has nothing to do with it. this is a a party that's completely divided down the middle. they there might be reshuffling, he might not. he might dominate the entire race and win the nomination. at this point everyone in this table and town knows we are not going to see party leadersá=standing up in cleveland with donald trump. they are going to bail. so that's going on behind the scenes. people are not going to stand by a man who said that he is going to ban muslims from this country. >> i have got to go. i'm looking at these poll numbers thinking we are getting close. i have no idea what's going to happen. i thought hillary clinton would win the nomination from barack obama in 2008. i got that one wrong. i took the last word. please stick around.
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watch bill o'reilly's entire interview with donald trump coming up "on the record." fears of a terror attack in america are are growing. those fears are not irrational. now that tsa is admitting some planes flying to america may not be properly screened. that's next. what makes this simple salad the best simple salad ever? heart healthy california walnuts. the best simple veggie dish ever? heart healthy california walnuts. the best simple dinner ever? heart healthy california walnuts.
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much they can do about foreign airports. that means americans flying overseas or even people flying into america. have dangerous gapsus3k security screenings. so, yesterday lawmakers grilling the tsa on capitol hill. >> we have seen a number of attempted attacks against u.s. aviation targets. remains gaps in security which need to be addressed. some airplanes you go to internationally, you have nothing but foreigners, foreign contract carriers to work on the engines. how do we try and fix what i sees a a security vulnerability? >> well, we can control are the requirements that are in place for aircraft that operate in the united states. and we have -- it's within the faa purview but i do believe, for example, using mechanics as an example that you ask any type of maintenance is done faa certified location, there is is a number of measures in
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place. it. >> it seems to me that it really have a gapping vulnerability. >> chairman of the house transportation security subcommittee new york congressman john echo is here to go "on the record." good evening, sir. >> good evening. >> did you feel more secure after that hearing yesterday. >> no, i did not to say the least it. it was a little troubling some of his answers the fact that we can't do anything more about it is unacceptable and we have a job to protect the american people both here and abroad. we will keep looking into it and fix it be with way to protect america is not letting foreign carriers fly into the united states which would be horrendous impact on transportation. >> tsa does have some inspection capabilities overseas. but they do that domestically as well, of course. domestically they come in right at the beginning -- they come in without any forewarning and they just do checks. and overseas they have to do it about a month in advance a month notice. we can do random checks over there we should do on the
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spot type checks. >> i guess what i fold into this news supported recently charles degal airport in france there are 57 -- security employees on the terror watch list. and, you know, let's assume that 50 of them had matching names. that they weren't themselves terrorist=-ñ that leaves seven possible terrorists. >> you just need one to go bad to bring down an airliner. that's the concern i have. you point out a big issue. a lot of foreign carriers we find out yesterday foreign countries do not have good screening capabilities of their employees because of privacy concerns. so, you know, very uneven as to whether or not they screen their employees at all or if they do what the screening entails because every country is different. that's troubling. >> german discount plane different. the pilot having terrible problems and medical privacy reasons the doctor didn't notify that the guy was whatever his problem was and he took that plane down. >> great example. >> what's your biggest fear about this? what did you learn yesterday so you couldn't sleep last night?c
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>> contract workers at airports. they are servicing our airplanes. even american airplanes coming back to the united states and we don't know how thorough the vetting of those employees are to me that's the biggest vulnerability i see. we saw with the metro jet downing and the bomb that went in apparently through employees. >> russian plane egypt to russia. >> correct. that to me is the type of thing keeping me up at night. >> i want to know what the viewers think though. viewers, this is your chance. are you confident that the tsa is doing everything it can to keep us safe? tweet yes or no using #greta. we will show you live twitter votes throughout the show. so, all the problems you have identified arfxx horrifying. the problem is all those problems are the kind that you can't solve in a day. >> you can't but i did a foreign fighter task force report last six months of studying we had many of my colleagues and myself went overseas and visited the airports and visited the vulnerabilities and pretty much could see what happened in paris before it happened. we issued a report and we have a lot of legislation coming out of the report
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already. visa waiver program issue we fixed yesterday and we are working on a lot of other legislation to act on it acting on it quickly in conjunction with the leaders in the house. >> tonight if i fly an american carrier from here to charles degal airport in france and needs maintenance work on the ground in paris, are you confident that those people have all been checked out who are going to do the maintenance work? >> reasonably so. i have a lot of faith in the airlines. and airline's ability to plug the gaps. they do a very good job. there is a gap the farther away from more established countries the gap gets >> congressman can, thank you, sir. >> thank you for having me. >> secretary of defense ash carter says today the reality is we are at war. and secretary carter telling congress the u.s. needs to step up the fight against isis. >> the reality is we are at war. that's how our troops feel about it. because they are taking the fight to isil every day. >> former u.s. ambassador to the united nations ambassador john bolton goes
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"on the record." ambassador, the secretary of defense announcing we are war. we haven't heard that from$ the president, i don't think at any point but we are at war. stunning. >> well with, at least you get truth at some level of this administration. and i think given what military witnesses have been saying in congressional hearings for the past several weeks, secretary carter didn't really have any choice. i think this significant. i think our fellow citizens should see the significant. because, for seven years, barack obama has said we are not in a global war against terrorism. this is a law enforcement matter. it can be handled through the criminal justice system. that is simply not true. two at the top of the food chain on this are the secretary of defense and the president. if they both have different views what's going on while they are busy hashing this out and disagreeing and everything about it, meanwhile it doesn't look particularly good what's happening as isis grows. >> exactly. while it has suffered some reverses at thep(uwb hands of te kurds and others, basically
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isis continues to expand and consolidate over the territory it holds. and the united states and its allies are not acting effectively against it. >> would it be more of an impact if the united states congress consistent with its constitutional powers would actually issue a declaration of war? everyone says we are at war with isis. now the secretary of defense says and everybody dances around it in congress. i mean, republicans have screaming about the president not doing anything. why don't they just declare war? they have the constitutional power. >> well, it would be a political gesture it. honestly i'm not sure we have ever declared war against anything other than a nation state maybe we ought to started. if the secretary of defense says we are at war why don't t's. >> why don't we have the secretary of defense talk about the president. >> how about invoke article 9 of the nato treaty? >> you could do a lot of things but frankly i think
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as long as the president doesn't get it, the political gestures actually harm us. because it shows our inability or unwillingness under this president to do what's really necessary, which is to use force effectively. and i you think what we're seeing now is this terrorist attack in san bernadino didn't depend on isis. it didn't depend on the husband being radicalized by the wife. these people were pledging loyalty to the muslim brotherhood well before. this this terrorist threat has been around for a long time. and our failure to address it is going to cause us a lot more of these incidents in the near future, i'm afraid. >> ambassador, thank you, >> thank you. >> and angry protesters marching through downtown chicago. and they are demanding the resignation of mayor rahm emanuel. we are live among those protesters next. not being on this phone call sounds good. it's not muted. was that you jason? it was geoffrey! it was jason.
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protests coming in the release of dash cam video showing a black man shot and kill officer. fox news correspondent matt 1st and 10 -- fenn is live on ground in chicago. >> happening now a couple dozen protesters right outside of police headquarters here. they are saying they are basically mistreated police oftentimes by the way they appear by the things they are dressed in. there is a couple dozen protesters here right now. they plan on meeting about 7:00 local. couple minutes ago they went inside police headquarters but police quickly ushered them out. 1,000 protesters stormed the streets of chicago. they focused on the financial district. they stormed the chicago board of trade. they stormed the entrance at the historic marshall fields building and macy's and did what they did on black friday all over again. shutting down traffic. shunning away i shoppers and trying to make a dent in retail sales, greta. they say they want to hit
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chicago where it hurts in pocketbook. focusing on stores and retail areas. now here they are in front of police headquarters, greta. >> matt, they want mayor rahm emanuel to resign. why? >> they want mayor rahm emanuel to resign because they say that he is involved in a coverup. those two explosive dash cam videos released say he kept them buried. did not release them. he is part of this citywide coverup involving police and the state attorney here anita alvarez, greta. >> the shooting of this man was in october of 2014. why did the prosecutor wait 15 months or 13 months to charge him? i mean, what took her so long? what's her excuse? >> the prosecutor said she was involved in an investigation and that she was not allowed to release the tape or it t. that she did not want to release the tape. >> no, why didn't she charge him? she could have charged him. you know, why didn't she charge him earlier? >> you know, she said in the
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press release or the presser earlier this week that she was subject to police. she did not have enough up until this past week to collect all the stuff and charge them. she said ultimately the recent shooting ronald johnson justified he did have a gun. head he did not drop the gun. and he did not stop running. ultimately police were justified to use the force they did, greta. >> that's the second one. i will leave it at that the question i'm asking is is mcdonald, 13 months it took to charge her and you have got that videotape. maybe she will join me as a guest and explain it any way, matt, thank you. get ready to speed read the news. today baltimore police officer william porter taking the stand in his own baltimore police officers charged in the freddie gray death. officer porter testifying that gray had no physical signs of injury when he checked on gray in the back of the police van.
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gray died of a spinal injury one week after his arrest. the trial resumes tomorrow. and two afghan air force trainees now missing from a united states pace in georgia. two days ago the two not reporting for duty at moody air force base. u.s. military officials tonight family sizing they do not believe the men pose any threat. the students have been training alongside american airplane maintenance crews. and powerful storms slamming the pacific northwest, landslides and high water shutting down in oregon. seven people rescued when they were swept up along a river bank. strong winds also knocking out power for tens of thousands of residents. the stormsef are expected to continue tomorrow. >> florida beach hundreds of coffee cans washing up on the shore along florida's space coast. the yellow and red packages could be seen as far as the eye could see. dozens of locals and tourists scooping up the coffee and taking them home.
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police believe the coffee may you have fallen off a barge over the weekend and that's tonight's speed read. and do you remember when donald trump pledged to only run as a republican? well, that might be out the window. that's next. plaque psoriasis... ...isn't it time to let the... ...real you shine... ...through? introducing otezla, apremilast. otezla is not an injection, or a cream.
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breaking right now hot off announcing his plan to prevent muslims from entering the united states for a period of time. donald trump stirring up a firestorm by hinting at a third party run. the g.o.p. frontrunner may be going against an rnc pledge he made to only run as a republican. donald trump tweeting a new poll indicates 6 % of my supporters would vote for me if i departed the g.o.p. and ran as an independent. now, that poll is a suffolk "u.s.a. today" poll as trump keeps his word how does this shape up the race. if he rupps as a third party, that is really curtains for the republican party in 2016?
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>> i think so. i don't think to break donald trump's heart or anything. 68% of a third of the country is not a majority. so, that doesn't bode too well for him to winp- a third party. it does mean he can hand the presidency to hillary clinton which he doesn't mind if that happens. >> if he wins the nomination, why are we having this discussion, a.b.? i'm making the assumption that all the polls now that we are getting down to the iowa and new hampshire south carolina and the polls only look good for him and only moving um for him. why would he -- he may be heading to the nomination. >> i think it looks like he is. but i think that sort of public flirtation with it gets helping supporter. better decorum and respect. a way to stir the pot with people upset this week
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establishment leaders from the party criticizing donald trump's new plan and it's a way to which is worse running as['qz their nominee anw electing hillary clinton or splitting off third party independent and handing the white house to hillary clinton. >> a lot can happen in 60 days. he can go crash and burn in these polls. >> well, you have to remember at the end of the day you don't need to win the first one or two or three. you have to get 50% of the delegates to actually win this nomination. the question is where is his ceiling? i think -- i just -- i still don't see a majority of delegates only going to donald trump. maybe brokered convention and consensusáú so many things shake out.
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might take the entire first month iowa, new hampshire and south carolina. get down to the real race that will decide things. >> thank you both. coming up, we need to put something in progressive. what's that? i will tell you more off-the-record straight ahead. the nicoderm cq patch, with unique extended release technology, helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq. no tellin' how much i'm gellin'. you gellin'? you gellin'? i'm like magellan, i'm so gellin'. quit yellin' we're gellin'. riigghhttt. dr. scholl's massaging gel insoles are so soft they make any shoe feel outrageously comfortable. are you gellin'? dr. scholl's. reporter: uh, is that likeonize car repair. they actually have a feature called service & repair. no, because with ours you'll know the cost of labor and parts in your area, anyone else?
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introducing new centrum vitamints. a multivitamin that contains a full spectrum of essential nutrients... you enjoy like a mint. new centrum vitamints. the coolest way yet... to get your multivitamins. let's all go off-the-record. right now people in chicago are protesting. that's their right call for mayor rahm emanuel to resign following the fatal shooting of a black teenager by a white police officer. that officer will get a trial. that's his right. just to put things2 perspective, which is important, there is something i want you to see. plus, you are about to hear from the first time from the hero cop whose courage was caught on camera during that terrifying evacuation of the inland regional center. >> try to relax. everyone, try to relax. i will take a bullet before you do, that's for damn sure. just be cool, okay? >> he is san bernadino county sheriff's department george lozono even more
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impressive than his actions that day how he perceives his heroics. >> nothing short of what any other person in law enforcement would do. i don't feel like a hero whatsoever. anyone behind me or any one of the 300 people there would have said the same thing. that's our job to put ourselves on the line of danger to protect the community. >> so, tonight, as we are all glued to the tv watching chicago protests from bad police conduct. think about this. to be fair and balanced, to the police, shouldn't we have a rally celebrating the heroism of so many great cops like detective lozono and that's my off-the-record comment tonight. have you been voting on twitter. are you confident that the tsa is doing everything it can to keep us safe? here are your results. wow. take a look at that 92% are not. anyway. that's not great. set your dvr to record "on the record" so you never miss this show. if you can't watch "on the
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record" live. play back "on the record" after you finish watching your other favorite fox programs. good night from washington, d.c. o'reilly is up next. he has donald trump as his guest i understand. the o'reilly factor is on. tonight: >> this is both a shameless and a dangerous idea. donald trump is playing right into their hands. >> hillary clinton attacking donald trump over his proposed ban of muslims. and the piling on against the republican contender is enormous. tonight, donald trump will be here. >> islam is a political system this is intent on world denomination. it isn't quote a religion. one critical of islam. pat robertson has some very harsh words to say. also ahead, is it wrong to
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